The use of project-based learning methods to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills


  • Ilnur M. Filalov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Sergey S. Frolov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Adelina R. Khamidullina Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Ruslan R. Shipaev Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Claudia M. Shuraskina Ufa State Petroleum Technological University



project-based learning, critical thinking, solving complex problems, competencies, education, pedagogical experiment, cognitive development


This article discusses the application of project-based learning methods to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The relevance of the research is due to the need for students to develop competencies that are in demand in the modern dynamic world. The purpose of the work is to study the effectiveness of using the project approach in the educational process to stimulate the development of cognitive abilities and practical skills of students. Research materials and methods include the analysis of scientific literature on the problem, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, testing, as well as pedagogical experiment. During the experiment, two groups of students in grades 10-11 (experimental and control) of 25 people each were formed. In the experimental group, training was conducted using project-based learning methods, while in the control group traditional methods were used. The experiment lasted one academic year. The results of the study demonstrated that the use of project-based learning contributes to a significant increase in the level of development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. Thus, in the experimental group, the proportion of students with a high level of critical thinking increased from 20% to 68%, and with a high level of problem solving skills – from 24% to 72%. In the control group, these indicators were 24% and 32%, respectively. In addition, the students of the experimental group demonstrated higher motivation, independence and creative activity in educational activities. The results obtained confirm the effectiveness of the application of project-based learning methods for the development of key competencies of students and allow us to recommend a wider implementation of this approach in educational practice.


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How to Cite

Филалов ИМ, Фролов СС, Хамидуллина АР, Шипаев РР, Шураськина КМ. The use of project-based learning methods to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];14(2-1):195-204. Available from:




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