Analysis and comparison of methods of teaching piano art in classical and modern educational systems: from traditions to innovations


  • Ou Chenkai A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University



piano art, teaching methods, classical music education, modern educational technologies, comparative analysis


Teaching piano art is one of the fundamental aspects of music education. Over the centuries, traditional methods of teaching piano have been formed, but in the modern educational system there is a tendency to introduce innovative approaches. The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of methods of teaching piano art in classical and modern educational systems, to identify their features, advantages and disadvantages. The following methods were used to conduct the research: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research topic, monitoring the educational process in music schools and universities (15 educational institutions in total, 150 students), questioning piano teachers (75 respondents), interviewing outstanding pianists and teachers (10 interviews). The research materials were scientific publications, methodological manuals, educational programs, video recordings of master classes and concerts. During the study, it was revealed that classical methods of teaching piano art are based on strict discipline, long hours of lessons (on average 4-6 hours a day), the development of technical skills through repeated repetition of exercises (up to 70% of the study time), the study of the academic repertoire (more than 80% of the works are classical). Modern methods are characterized by greater flexibility, an individual approach, the use of a diverse repertoire (up to 50% of modern music), the use of technical teaching tools (special computer programs, digital pianos with learning functions), an emphasis on the development of students' creative abilities (improvisation, composition). The effectiveness of classical techniques is confirmed by the high level of training of professional pianists (85% of laureates of international competitions are graduates of classical schools), while modern approaches promote the popularization of piano art and attract a wide audience (an increase in the number of students of music schools by 25% over the past 10 years).


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How to Cite

Чэнькай О. Analysis and comparison of methods of teaching piano art in classical and modern educational systems: from traditions to innovations. УО [Internet]. 2024Jan.30 [cited 2024Jul.1];14(1-2):256-64. Available from:

