Modular approach to the formation of the protocol officer’s translation competence


  • Maria D. Churganova Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, Institute of Foreign Languages



modular approach, module, translation, translation knowledge and skills, English, understanding and interpretation, protocol officer


Mastering the professional activity of the protocol officer requires a holistic vision of the profession, its main tasks, stages, approaches and techniques. When forming the translation competence of the future protocol officer, the author uses the modular approach that allows taking into account the cognitive and personal components of the protocol officer as a subject of professional activity, their implementation in solving certain tasks and laying down a certain base and algorithm for students to perform professional actions of the protocol officer. The purpose of this article is to show the effectiveness of the modular approach in the formation of the protocol officer’s translation competence among students studying in the international fields of «Foreign Regional Studies», «International Relations», «State and Municipal Administration and others). The article presents definitions of the concept of «module». The author indicates interaction of the modular and personal-activity approaches for the formation of students' translation knowledge and skills. The author uses GetCourse educational platform to test the effectiveness of the modular approach. The information there is presented in the format of modules. The results of the experimental training among students showed the advantages of a modular approach that can be used in the framework of foreign language classes. The significance of the article lies in the use of a modular approach by universities preparing future protocol officers in order to ensure motivation and a high level of the formed translation knowledge and skills. When writing this article, the following methods were used: theoretical (generalization and analysis of research on the problems of translation studies, linguodidactics and translation didactics) and empirical (surveys among students).


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How to Cite

Чурганова МД. Modular approach to the formation of the protocol officer’s translation competence. УО [Internet]. 2024Jan.30 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(1-2):72-81. Available from:

