Historical and pedagogical study of the use of Latin words in newspaper headlines


  • Alina A. Sulimova Far East Federal University
  • Alina A. Tudasheva Far East Federal University
  • Valeria A. Deeeva Far East Federal University
  • Viktoriya A. Nesterova Far East Federal University
  • Yuliya O. Strukina Far East Federal University




latin words, newspaper headlines, media, communication, perception


The article examines the use of Latin expressions in the headlines of modern newspapers. The authors analyze how Latin words and phrases affect readers' perception and interpretation of headlines. Examples from Russian and foreign media are considered, as well as the historical context of the use of Latin in the media. The aim of the study is to understand how Latin words enhance communication and impact on the audience. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that in the modern information society, where the speed of information transmission plays a key role, newspaper headlines are a powerful means of attracting readers' attention. One of the notable elements used in headings are Latin words. Such words, although belonging to an ancient language, are still widely used in modern mass media, as they often have brevity and strong emotional coloring. In addition, with the increase in international relations and global communications, the use of Latin words in newspaper headlines is becoming a means of communication and understanding between different cultures and languages. Latin words and phrases, recognizable and understandable in many countries, facilitate the transfer of information and strengthen ties between different linguistic communities. Studying the words and phrases that attract the most attention, interest and reactions from the audience will help you understand how these words affect the effectiveness of communication in modern media. The object of the study: Latin headlines in newspapers. The subject of the study is the relationship between the semantics of Latin words in headlines and the content of newspapers. Purpose: based on scientific articles, to identify the influence of Latin words in newspaper headlines on associations and perception among readers.


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How to Cite

Сулимова АА, Тудашева АА, Деева ВА, Нестерова ВА, Струкина ЮО. Historical and pedagogical study of the use of Latin words in newspaper headlines. УО [Internet]. 2024Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];14(1-2):11-20. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1287

