Analysis of studies on the formation of self-assessment of students in self-regulated learning using a metacognitive strategy (example of educational institutions of the People 's Republic of China)


  • Li Nannan Southern Federal University



self-regulated learning, self-assessment, students in the People's Republic of China, metacognitive processes, metacognition


At the beginning of the 21st century, with the continuous development of learning theories such as constructivism, metacognition and self-learning, the educational community began to pay attention to the processes and methods of teaching students, advocating that students learn to learn. Some assessment researchers have also further combined the learning process with student self-assessment. Within the framework of the developing theory of learning and assessment, self-assessment focuses on improving the quality of learning for students themselves, which translates the formation of students' self-assessmen from a simple form of assessment into a means of facilitating their learning, the essence of which is to direct the student to self-regulated learning. In order to achieve the goals of quality education in China, Chinese education has carried out comprehensive reform, in particular, the study of education assessment has become one of the focuses of research, in recent years, Chinese scientists have also conducted a number of studies on issues such as self-assessment and self-regulated learning. Based on studies of student self-assessment conducted by Chinese and foreign researchers, this article discusses the relationship between self-assessment and self-regulation of learning, metacognition and self-assessment in order to clarify the research nature of student self-assessment, which can serve as some source of inspiration for the scientific realization of student self-assessment.


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How to Cite

Наньнань Л. Analysis of studies on the formation of self-assessment of students in self-regulated learning using a metacognitive strategy (example of educational institutions of the People ’s Republic of China). УО [Internet]. 2024Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];14(1-1):230-7. Available from:

