The integrity and innovativeness of the Chinese narrative system in terms of cultural self-confidence in the context of higher education


  • He Bin Heihe University
  • Huo Yue Heihe University



cultural confidence, Chinese narrative system, higher education, innovativeness, traditionalism, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, interdisciplinarity, epistemology


In the context of the acceleration of globalization processes and cultural divergence, the narrative system of Chinese education demonstrates a unique synergy of traditionalism and innovation. It not only serves as an epistemological foundation, but also reflects the phenomenon of cultural self-confidence. The article analyzes this complex mechanism, focusing on its aspects in the context of higher education. The methodological basis is quantitative and qualitative analysis of data taken from 134 Chinese educational institutions represented in the QS World University Rankings 2021, and 256 scientific publications in the Scopus and WoS databases for the period from 2015 to 2020. This research perspective on the Chinese narrative system of higher education seeks a nuanced integration of interdisciplinary knowledge within cultural studies, pedagogy, and sociology. The study of the narrative system of Chinese higher education can be divided into several main dimensions: cultural, innovative and traditional. The relationship between the integrity and innovativeness of the Chinese narrative system in the context of higher education is a multifaceted research subject, the dissection of which leads to several key observations. First of all, this connection is noteworthy from a cultural confidence perspective.


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How to Cite

Бин Х, Юэ Х. The integrity and innovativeness of the Chinese narrative system in terms of cultural self-confidence in the context of higher education. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(11-1):250-7. Available from:

