Integration of digital technologies into modern education: challenges and prospects


  • Dim R. Khuramshin Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Dinar A. Yunusov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University



digitalization of education, higher education, online learning, technology integration, distance learning, Russia, educational platforms, innovative teaching methods


Introduction: In the era of information technology, the integration of digital tools into the educational process is becoming an integral part of the development of higher education. In Russia, the desire to digitalize education is increasing both at the state level and at the level of individual educational institutions. The main problems and tasks facing universities concern not only the introduction of digital technologies, but also the adaptation of curricula and teaching methods to new conditions. Materials and methods: The analysis was carried out on the basis of data from the Russian Research Institute of Education Statistics, including information on the degree of integration of digital technologies in universities throughout Russia. Additionally, the results of surveys of students and teachers of the country's leading universities were used, which allowed us to get a comprehensive idea of the real perception and effectiveness of digitalization of education. Results: The study showed that by 2023, 78% of Russian universities have introduced at least one form of digital technologies into the educational process. Particular attention is paid to the development and implementation of online courses, which in 2022 were used in 65% of educational institutions. Distance learning platforms such as Moodle and Blackboard, whose use has increased by 40% since 2020, have become the most widespread. Surveys have revealed that 70% of students positively assess the introduction of digital technologies in the educational process, noting the increased flexibility of learning and the availability of materials. Nevertheless, teachers point to an insufficient number of training programs for the effective use of digital tools, which poses a task for universities to improve the skills of teaching staff.


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How to Cite

Khuramshin DR, Yunusov DA. Integration of digital technologies into modern education: challenges and prospects. УО [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];13(11-1):109-17. Available from:

