Formation of international competence of students to increase the level of internationalization of the educational institution


  • Ekaterina K. Makarenko Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Alla A. Mamoshkina Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University
  • Darya M. Biryukova Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Anastasiya D. Mityurina Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
  • Arsenij D. Krasavin Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



international competence, internationalization, education, globalization, educational institution, cultural interaction, intercultural communication


In the era of globalization and the digital revolution, the world academic sphere is undergoing a transformation, bringing to the fore the issues of internationalization of pedagogical methods. Global educational institutions are exploring the possibilities of adapting to universal educational criteria, investing resources in international research projects and striving to develop training courses that meet the ambitions and needs of the global academic arena. For Russia, a nation with deep cultural and scientific roots, the issues of global integration in the educational sector are of particular relevance. However, Russian academic centers have faced difficult obstacles, stemming, in particular, from political pressure and economic restrictions from the West. This has created problems in the areas of international partnership and attracting international academic resources. Nevertheless, in an effort to overcome these difficulties, Russian academic institutions are initiating strategies to strengthen relations with partners from Asia, Latin America and Africa. They also focus on creating training programs that meet modern global standards. The present study focuses on methods of strengthening the international competence of students in order to effectively integrate Russian education into the world academic scene. During the analysis, it becomes obvious that Russian educational institutions, acting on the basis of their unique academic heritage, are successfully adapting to the global dynamics in the field of higher education. The above material is the results of a study that focuses on the activities of leading Russian universities, their global ambitions and the experience of international collaboration. Based on the information received, key strategies and methods for the formation of international competence among students are formulated, which, in turn, can become the foundation for further progress of Russian education on the world stage.


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How to Cite

Макаренко ЕК, Мамошкина АА, Бирюкова ДМ, Митюрина АД, Красавин АД. Formation of international competence of students to increase the level of internationalization of the educational institution. УО [Internet]. 2023Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(9):56-65. Available from: