Formation of skills and abilities of conducting a comparative study of the main categories of incentives by polygraph examiners in the process of professional training


  • Sergey N. Vyazovik Interdepartmental Center for Training and Retraining of Specialists in Combating Terrorism and Extremism FGKOU DPO VIPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • Yulia V. Krokhina Interdepartmental Center for Training and Retraining of Specialists in Combating Terrorism and Extremism FGKOU DPO VIPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia



physical training, physical training tasks, general physical training, control exercises, speed and agility, athletics and accelerated movement, speed and strength qualities and endurance, shuttle running, injury prevention


In the presented article, the authors consider the features of the organization of training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation within the framework of general physical training on the example of control exercises demonstrating speed and dexterity. The importance of professional training of employees of the law enforcement system of Russia on the basics of physical training in accordance with the requirements of legislation in this area, regulatory legal acts of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is noted. The importance of high-quality special training of employees for the fulfillment of strategic tasks by them is noted, and therefore the level of their competencies should be high enough, which is confirmed in turn by the level of high qualifications that police officers demonstrate in the process of periodic comprehensive tests of professional fitness for action in conditions that are directly related to the use of physical force, special means and firearms. weapons in the performance of their official duties. The authors emphasize that general physical training and professionally applied physical training, which includes service-applied exercises and service-applied sports, a competently built system of professional training achieves the necessary result of this work, which in turn allows employees in practice to perform assigned service-combat tasks at the proper level. Guided by the manual on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the authors focus on studying the features of the organization of training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation within the framework of general physical training - athletics and accelerated movement exercises for speed and agility "Shuttle run" 10x10 meters. In turn, the "Shuttle run" of 10x10 m acts as a universal control exercise for both male and female persons, which for the teaching staff is considered a fairly informative aspect of the readiness of employees in the strength component and the level of endurance under stress. The authors note that mainly in the recommendations, in accordance with the manual on the organization of physical training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, high-speed running exercises aimed at developing the speed and strength qualities of the leg muscles are proposed. Having considered and studied these issues, the authors proposed to consider the features and methods of training employees of the internal affairs bodies to "Shuttle run" 10x10 m. Since this type of control running exercise of general physical training is highly traumatic, it is proposed to organize training according to the principle of consistency and gradualness, prevention and minimization of injuries, which certainly meets the requirements of compliance with safety measures. The authors propose a variety of techniques for performing the exercise, confirmed by experience and calculation formulas, with variable conclusions and pedagogical approaches that allow employees to form skills and abilities both individually and in a group training format.


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How to Cite

Vyazovik SN, Krokhina YV. Formation of skills and abilities of conducting a comparative study of the main categories of incentives by polygraph examiners in the process of professional training. УО [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];13(9):28-3. Available from: