The modern role and importance of labor resources in the development of agro-industrial production in Russia


  • Igor V. Mikhalev Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics
  • Marina M. Shailiyeva Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics
  • Gadzhimirze I. Gadzhimirzoev Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics



labor resources, agriculture, agro-industrial production, innovations, agricultural education, strategy of scientific and technical development, rural population


The development of labor resources for the agro-industrial sector of the Russian Federation is a key factor and the main potential for innovative development. The relevance of the study of socio-economic processes and trends in the staffing of agricultural enterprises in Russia as a whole is a strategic priority for long-term development. The purpose of the study is to determine the role and importance of labor resources for the agro-industrial production of the Russian Federation at the present stage. The research was based on general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as statistical and econometric methods of study. The increase in gross agricultural production by Russian agricultural enterprises by 4.2 trillion rubles from 2588 billion rubles in 2010 to 6823 billion rubles in 2021, which was an increase of more than 2.6 times. With a 3.9- fold increase in labor productivity over the past 12 years, there is a negative trend of a reduction in the total rural population to 37 million people and a 33.7% reduction in the number of agricultural workers from 6.6 million people in 2010 to 4.4 million people at the beginning of 2022. Analysis of the needs of agro-industrial enterprises for qualified personnel showed that the greatest need arises for specialists: engineers and accountants in 2022. Cooperation and active involvement of specialized institutes and universities, as well as the formation of integration interaction of the agricultural education System with agricultural enterprises can serve as a solution to the issues of training labor resources for agro-industrial enterprises.


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How to Cite

Михалёв ИВ, Шайлиева ММ, Гаджимирзоев ГИ. The modern role and importance of labor resources in the development of agro-industrial production in Russia. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.25 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(7):154-60. Available from: