Problems of music and pedagogical education in Сhina and the ways of their solution


  • Tang Simin The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



China, musical and pedagogical education, problems, development prospects, pedagogical technologies, musical abilities


The article is devoted to the topical issue of studying the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of the system of musical and pedagogical education in China. The purpose of the article is to identify key problems in this area and develop proposals for their solution. The article has a scientific novelty, which is manifested in the substantiation of the main problems of modern musical and pedagogical education in China and the author's proposals for their successful overcoming. The article’s author concludes that modern pedagogical technologies are practically not used in the higher musical and pedagogical school in China, and the musical abilities of students are not sufficiently developed, since training is mainly built on Chinese musical works without immersion in the history and cultural aspects of the creation of foreign art. The author of the article proposes to use in China such modern pedagogical technologies as the “flipped classroom”, problem-based learning and case studies on special educational platforms, such as Google Classroom, and in order to develop the musical abilities of students, turn to Russian experience, which already had successful practical application in the 20th century, but after the collapse of the USSR was unjustifiably reduced to a minimum.


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How to Cite

Сыминь Т. Problems of music and pedagogical education in Сhina and the ways of their solution. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(6):84-9. Available from: