Evolution of musical genres and styles: analysis of the historical development of musical culture


  • Yu Yaxian A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University




musical culture, evolution, genres, styles, historical development, musical art


Musical culture, as well as any other social phenomenon, is constantly changing and developing. Various genres and styles are intertwined in it, which makes it extremely difficult to analyze its evolution. Music is an art that reflects both objective reality and the creators' subjective view of it, expressed in a variety of musical forms and directions. For this analysis, it becomes necessary to refer to such fundamental concepts as genre, style, and the history of the development of musical culture. The study of the earliest recorded musical genres and styles reveals a rich history preceding the Renaissance. Called the early period, this period of time laid the foundation for future composers and musicians. One of the last genres to emerge in recent times is rock music, which originated in the early 1950s in the United States. Rock music has been heavily influenced by various genres, including blues, jazz, gospel and country. These diverse musical styles and genres have played a significant role in shaping the sound and evolution of rock music, demonstrating how different influences can combine to create something new and unique. None of the manifestations of culture remains aloof from the general process of its development. On the contrary, musical creativity, as one of the forms of culture, actively participates in the process of social development. Each stage of history determines the originality of musical art, its forms, styles and genres, the originality of creative methods and tastes of the audience.


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How to Cite

Ясянь Ю. Evolution of musical genres and styles: analysis of the historical development of musical culture. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(8):223-30. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/988