Interpretation of the teaching of cultural disciplines in the recent period of historical development


  • Tatyana S. Karandaeva Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Exploration University



teaching, cultural studies, constitution, development, pedagogy.


In Russia, there are periodically published publications devoted to the definition of the subject field of cultural studies, its interdisciplinary connections, and unresolved problems of the scientific formation of cultural studies. The new ways of interpreting history proposed by the French researchers first caused an almost panicked statement that as a science "history disappears", but later came to the transition from "history-event" to "history-problem", to the emergence and successful development of the history of mentality, microhistory, historical anthropology, the history of everyday life, etc. The history of world art culture, the history of art, the history of art culture, the history of world religions as academic disciplines today in Russia are preserved only in highly specialized faculties. Over the course of several decades, the very nature of the general cultural erudition of a more or less educated person has changed dramatically. The traditional, well-established body of knowledge, which was mandatory for the humanities or non-humanitarians, was significantly transformed by reducing the actual humanitarian, artistic sphere. Although for the sake of justice, it is worth noting that modern technologies have greatly simplified access to cultural achievements. Each time, the number and quality of Internet resources of world museums, libraries, and archives increases. Recently, we have started to hold conferences and publish final collective monographs, the purpose of which is to practically demonstrate the modern professional level of cultural studies. One recent example is a collective monograph (rather a collection of articles) two thousand nineteen "The science of culture: Cultural Studies, cultural Studies, cultural Studies". Of course, there are good, professional scientific publications in the collection that deserve a separate thorough review.

Author Biography

Tatyana S. Karandaeva, Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Exploration University

candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Law


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How to Cite

Карандаева Т. Interpretation of the teaching of cultural disciplines in the recent period of historical development. УО [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):284-92. Available from: