Intercultural communication of future foreign language teachers: essential characteristics


  • Daniil A. Zaika Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"



interaction, communication, language, culture, dialogue of cultures, intercultural communication


The article is devoted to the problem of the development of intercultural communication in the process of training future teachers of a foreign language. The work includes a theoretical analysis of the concept of "intercultural communication", as well as related concepts: culture, language and communication. The defining tasks of intercultural communication in the context of professional training of specialists in the field of teaching a foreign language, as well as their impact on the development of modern Russian pedagogical education, are formulated. Intercultural communication is a key aspect for future foreign language teachers, as it promotes effective interaction with students from different cultural environments. This article explores the essential characteristics of intercultural communication necessary for the development of the competence of foreign language teachers. First, the authors provide a definition of intercultural communication and substantiate its significance in the context of education. Then the key characteristics are considered, including cultural awareness, intercultural sensitivity, adaptation skills and flexibility of thinking. The authors draw attention to the importance of awareness of cultural differences, the ability to listen and understand other cultures, as well as the ability to adapt to a changing communicative environment. Further, the article offers methods and practices that can help future teachers develop their intercultural communication skills. This includes training and trainings, conducting intercultural projects and cooperation with teachers from other countries. The authors also emphasize the importance of introspection and reflection so that students-future teachers can realize their strengths and weaknesses in intercultural communication and improve them. In conclusion, the article emphasizes that the development of intercultural communication is an integral part of the training of foreign language teachers. Understanding and assimilation of the essential characteristics of intercultural communication allow teachers to create a favorable and productive learning environment for their students and successfully interact with them in an intercultural context.


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How to Cite

Заика ДА. Intercultural communication of future foreign language teachers: essential characteristics. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(5):161-5. Available from: