Bullying as an indicator of the faulty of the educational environment of the modern school


  • Natalia V. Sheveleva Tomsk State Pedagogical University




educational environment, school, bullying, mobbing, psychological and pedagogical support, technologies


The article presents scientific knowledge about a modern educational institution, whose activities are aimed at creating an understanding of personal and social well-being among the participants in the educational process. However, the problem of school violence is becoming more and more urgent. Modern schools, which are obliged to create a zone of psychological comfort and a safe educational environment for students, are increasingly faced with such a social phenomenon as bullying. The bullying of one child by a bully-child (aggressor) or a group of children is becoming a large-scale phenomenon. In addition, violence is committed by teachers. The reasons for committing various types of violence are many. This is the social well-being / disadvantage of the family in which the child lives, physiological characteristics, features of cognitive development; the formation of value orientations in the child, as well as a change in the social situation of the development of the child and his leading activity. Often children who are bullied at school are also victims of domestic violence. At the same time, children who are victims of domestic violence themselves become school bullies. The reason for the aggressive state of the child is his own fear. Buller is afraid of becoming a victim of violence in an educational institution. The paper proves the thesis that bullying is an indicator of the dysfunctional educational environment of a modern school, substantiates the types of bullying, factors in the formation of a dysfunctional educational environment in a school, and proposes a set of technologies and methods that help counteract the spread of this phenomenon in a modern school.


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How to Cite

Шевелева НВ. Bullying as an indicator of the faulty of the educational environment of the modern school. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(5):87-93. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/882

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