Gamification as one of the ways to increase the involvement of the personnel of Russian companies in the aspect of ensuring business competitiveness


  • Natalia V. Gromova Synergy University
  • Anton G. Dmitriev Synergy University
  • Larissa I. Gratsianova Synergy University



staff involvement, gamification, digitalization, loyalty of staff, competitiveness


The research objective is to pinpoint strategies for boosting the engagement of personnel within Russian enterprises, thereby ensuring business competitiveness. This includes the integration of gamification methods as a contemporary digitalization trend within the HR sector. The research approach involves scrutinizing literary resources on the topics of personnel engagement and gamification practices in relation to fostering business competitiveness, in addition to analyzing scientific definitions relevant to the research purview. Following an extensive analysis, the principal competitive benefits garnered by companies with high levels of staff engagement are elucidated. The primary methods that current Russian corporations can deploy to enhance the engagement of their personnel are determined. Gamification is posited as one of the essential methods, providing an effective alternative to conventional HR tools. The research provides evidence that employing gamification allows for the development and enhancement of the organization's employees' key competencies, boosts the efficiency of their overall training, amplifies the effect of tangible and intangible motivation tools, elevates the loyalty and engagement of Russian companies' personnel, and furnishes businesses with supplementary competitive advantages.


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How to Cite

Громова НВ, Дмитриев АГ, Грацианова ЛИ. Gamification as one of the ways to increase the involvement of the personnel of Russian companies in the aspect of ensuring business competitiveness. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(5):66-7. Available from:

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