Psychological and pedagogical support of semi-professional hockey players on the example of the student national team of Surgut


  • Natalia I. Khokhlova Surgut State Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra
  • Konstantin A. Tolkanov Municipal Autonomous Institution of Additional Education sports School "Ice Palace of Sports"
  • Anastasia E. Tsareva Surgut State Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra



psychological and pedagogical support, resilience, amateur sports, satisfaction with sports activities


In this article, the authors substantiate the need for the development of semi-professional sports in Russia from a psychological and pedagogical position. It is shown that the sports activity of young people with certain skills becomes a special means of their personal development and upbringing. An overview of the key aspects of psychological and pedagogical support is presented. On the example of a student hockey team, the directions of activity within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support are substantiated: the level of pretension in sports activities; professional responsibility; relationships with team members, team building. This study is devoted to the study of psychological and pedagogical support of semi-professional hockey players on the example of the student national team of the city of Surgut. The paper considers the main aspects of the training process related to the physical, psychological and pedagogical training of athletes. The study was conducted by observation, survey and questionnaire. The authors identified the main problems that athletes face during training and competitions, and offered practical recommendations for their solution. The results of the study can be useful for coaches, psychologists, teachers and anyone who is engaged in training and accompanying semi-professional athletes in hockey and other sports.


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How to Cite

Хохлова НИ, Толканов КА, Царева АЕ. Psychological and pedagogical support of semi-professional hockey players on the example of the student national team of Surgut. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(5):10-6. Available from: