Organization of the educational process for the course "physical culture" by means of mixed learning


  • Sergey G. Dmitriev Tomsk State Pedagogical University
  • Gennady N. Popov Tomsk State Pedagogical University



organization, mixed learning, physical education


The article discusses the organization of mixed physical education at the university, analyzes the results of the study "The attitude of students and teachers to the organization of mixed education in the disciplines of "Physical culture and sports" and elective disciplines in physical culture at universities in Tomsk", which was carried out in September - October 2022. This scientific article is devoted to the problem of organizing the educational process for the course "physical culture" using mixed learning. Blended learning, as a method of teaching, which includes the combination of traditional public education and distance learning using information and communication technologies, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of training and improve the quality of knowledge acquisition by students. The article discusses the advantages of using mixed learning on the example of the course "physical culture", presents methodological recommendations and experience in the practical application of this approach in the educational process. Special attention is paid to the development of electronic educational resources, including video and audio materials, interactive tasks, tests and other tools to improve the quality of material assimilation by students. In addition, the possibilities of using blended learning to increase students' motivation for physical education, as well as reduce the burden on teachers in the process of organizing and conducting classes are being considered. The study showed that blended learning can be an effective method of organizing the educational process for the course "physical culture", contributing to improving the quality of education and increasing the motivation of students.


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How to Cite

Дмитриев СГ, Попов ГН. Organization of the educational process for the course "physical culture" by means of mixed learning. УО [Internet]. 2023Apr.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(4):276-83. Available from: