Motivating students to learn about their own body in the lessons of the natural science cycle


  • Alexey N. Naidan Moscow State Pedagogical University



natural sciences, anatomy, integrated lessons, project activities, individual educational route, multi-level training


The strategic goal of modern education is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, capable and motivated for continuous education and self-education. For this purpose, the priority in the educational process is the use of a personal-activity approach, which pays special attention to the ideas of developing the educational motivation of students. The main aspects of motivation in biology lessons in the eighth grade are: the applied nature of information, interesting facts, non-standard methods of conducting lessons, integration with other areas of knowledge, project activities.
Emotional inclusion, on the basis of which the importance of the material for oneself and others is realized, is used in integrated geography and biology lessons – especially when considering topics about human economic activity, the ecological state of territories, as well as about resorts and nature reserves, about weather and climate patterns and human acclimatization.
It is also very important to be aware of certain connections between new material and what has already been studied in integrated lessons, especially since modern pedagogical experience offers the maximum variety of such lessons. Here are just a few examples of intersubject integration from the report of I. V. Panina at the international conference on innovative pedagogical technologies.
All these methods somehow form the motivation of students to learn about their own body in the lessons of the natural science cycle, there is also a relationship between the formation of motivation for learning and the effectiveness of students ' activities in classroom and extracurricular classes in the subjects of the natural science cycle

Author Biography

Alexey N. Naidan, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Postgraduate student of the Institute of Humanities


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How to Cite

Найдан А. Motivating students to learn about their own body in the lessons of the natural science cycle. УО [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):139-47. Available from: