The impact of music on the human psyche: an objective assessment of existing scientific data


  • Lo Le The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



music, psyche, musical psychology, impact, musical sound, emotional impact, intelligence musical education


As the author of the article notes, it is the impact of classical music that is of significant importance. It suppresses the occurrence of fatigue, and also changes the pulse and breathing rate, blood pressure level, affects changes in sleep processes, in some cases brings the body to the strengthening of a particular emotional state. The value of this study is that it provides a number of convincing scientific points of view regarding the impact of music on the human psyche. The considered positions of scientists prove the influence of music on the human psyche, correctly complement each other, reflect the process of evolution of the phenomenon under consideration and are fully revealed at the stage of the emergence of the modern concept of "psyche".


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How to Cite

Лэ Л. The impact of music on the human psyche: an objective assessment of existing scientific data. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(3):42-7. Available from: