Competition model in the Russian higher education system


  • Ilya A. Konstantinov Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
  • Vera A. Goncharova Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)



Final qualifying works, masters, education, innovation, competition.


One of the most important institutions of society in any country in the world is the Institute of Higher Education. It is the education system in general and the structures of higher education in particular that are directly related to the well-being of the country's citizens. However, technical and technological progress does not stand still, every year new enterprises are created and developed, which require new competencies from their employees. In turn, the higher education system must meet the rapidly changing digital industry. The problem is that the education system, as a state-controlled structure, is a much more inert structure than the enterprises that are engaged in digital transformation. Inaction in the implementation of reforms in the field of higher education will inevitably lead to a gap between the required competencies in the industry and the competencies that graduates will actually have. An increase in this gap will make higher education irrelevant, with all the consequences that follow. In this paper, the process of defending the final qualifying works of masters (WRC) is considered in detail, this process is reduced to the terms of game theory, with the formalization of roles, motivations and strategies of behavior of participants in this process. After considering the problem from the point of view of game theory, the weaknesses of the processes are identified and measures to eliminate them are considered.

Author Biographies

Ilya A. Konstantinov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

assistant of the Institute No. 3

Vera A. Goncharova, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

assistant of the Institute No. 3


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How to Cite

Константинов И, Гончарова В. Competition model in the Russian higher education system. УО [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):110-9. Available from: