Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of various methods of teaching automation disciplines for Master's students with various basic bachelor's education


  • Oleg R. Varaksin ITMO University
  • Evgenia A. Pashkova ITMO University
  • Vladimir L. Ivanov ITMO University



automation, teaching methods, master's degree, basic bachelor's education


In this scientific article, an analysis of the effectiveness of the use of various methods of teaching automation disciplines for master's students with various basic bachelor's education was carried out. The study analyzed the main teaching methods used in the leading universities of Russia, as well as presented the latest digital technologies that can be applied in the analysis of effectiveness. The methodology of efficiency analysis was described, which includes the definition of goals and objectives, the selection of performance indicators, data collection and processing, analysis of results and decision-making based on the data obtained. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the most effective teaching methods are the use of practical exercises, the case method and an individual approach to students. It was also revealed that the use of the latest digital technologies can significantly improve the effectiveness of teaching. The importance of measuring the effectiveness of teaching automation disciplines lies in determining effective teaching methods, improving the quality of education, optimizing costs and meeting the requirements of the labor market. The future of the field of teaching automation disciplines for master's students will be associated with the development of new digital technologies, changing labor market requirements, the ongoing digitalization of education and an increased focus on individualization. The conducted efficiency analysis showed that the use of innovative teaching methods and digital technologies in teaching automation disciplines for master's degree students with various basic bachelor's education can significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching and improve the quality of education in general.


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How to Cite

Вараксин ОР, Пашкова ЕА, Иванов ВЛ. Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of various methods of teaching automation disciplines for Master’s students with various basic bachelor’s education. УО [Internet]. 2023Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(2):92-106. Available from:

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