Corporate education as a factor in the formation and development of human capital of gold mining enterprises (on the example of PJSC Polyus»)
Corporate education, gold mining companies, human capital, educational capital.Abstract
Many modern companies of medium or large sizes understand the role of employee education in the development of the company and include internal employee training in the scope of their activities, allocating special personnel for training, evaluating and developing the educational level of personnel. At the same time, the practice of corporate universities is becoming more widespread. In our country, they operate under such companies as PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Sberbank, State Corporation Rosatom, OJSC UMMC, and PJSC Polyus. For national companies, employee training becomes a prerequisite for the development of their competitiveness. Many researchers note that due to the constant growth of competition and a serious demographic decline in the country, companies face a shortage of highly qualified employees. In these circumstances, in-house training is a possible means of addressing the shortage of skilled labor. The article considers the increasingly widespread practice of corporate universities, implemented in the largest companies of PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Sberbank, State Corporation Rosatom, OJSC UMMC, and PJSC Polyus. The content of the term "corporate training" is considered. It is noted that most of the training programs at PJSC Polyus are conducted by the Corporate University, which combines all training and educational courses for managers, specialists and workers. According to the authors, it is advisable for the company in the field of gold mining to introduce the "10:20:70" model in a slightly modified version.
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