Population support for the policy pursued in the region as a resource for development: social diagnostics, public awareness, education and training system


  • Viktor F. Stukach Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin




organizational and activity business game, educational tasks of participants in the business game, infrastructure of the public information system, involvement of the population in the work to overcome emerging difficulties and support for the policy pursued by the state


The education system, through training, along with other institutions, forms the economic potential of the country and the cultural code of the population. When solving strategic problems at critical stages of the development of society, the system of advanced training of personnel, social diagnostics and informing the population are especially popular resources. Cadres of managers in the economic, social and political spheres directly affect the state of affairs in the economy, social sphere, and in the state. It is proposed to consider as separate independent parameters in the socio-political sphere: first, the system of advanced training of managers and specialists of the real sector of the economy; the second is the use of educational technologies, in particular, organizational and activity games, to unlock the potential of students and solve urgent problems; The third is the creation of an infrastructure for social diagnostics and informing the population in order to be included in creative activities, to receive support from the population for the policy pursued in the region. Separately, the practice of diagnosing the economic mechanism of the agrarian sector based on the materials of the organizational and activity games available to the author of these lines is considered. A retrospective of the analysis of the situation of the 70-90s of the last century is given, a distant analogy with the situation of the present period is drawn. The practice of operational interaction of employees of the administrative structures of the region with the population within the framework of the days of informing the population as part of constantly functioning groups is revealed.


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How to Cite

Стукач ВФ. Population support for the policy pursued in the region as a resource for development: social diagnostics, public awareness, education and training system. УО [Internet]. 2023Feb.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(2):36-4. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/774