Improving the process of product separation in the context of globalization of the management component in oil and gas companies


  • Ramis R. Gadelislamov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Danila A. Zhebalov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Dina A. Isinbayeva Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Artur O. Iskhakov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Denis V. Shadrin Ufa state petroleum technological university



separation process, products, globalization, oil and gas company


Gazprom PJSC is the largest oil and gas producing company in the country, which operates in the field of energy, namely mining. The subject of activity is the development of deposits and extraction of energy resources for the purpose of processing primary raw materials into finished fuel and/or other products of various consumption. The company has 1,891 oil and 162 gas wells, 25 drilling rigs and 9537 automobile filling stations (gas stations) on its balance sheet. During the company's operation, Gazprom PJSC increased production by almost 4 million tons. the volume of oil and condensate (almost 40%), which is a direct consequence of improving the efficiency of the company. In recent years, with low energy prices, it has not been possible to invest large amounts of money in the development of the material and technical base of the enterprise. In 2022, the company reduced oil and condensate production by 1% compared to the previous year, and gas by 3% and increased the production of liquefied gas by 4.5%. At the current not the most favorable time for the oil products market with the condition of the price ceiling on the world market, oil and gas companies need to improve their management and their own efficiency in competition with global producers of oil products. In our study, we can state that the implementation of the proposed measures at oil and gas industry enterprises is a powerful tool for improving operational activities, which will contribute to economic progress and ensure the energy security of the state.


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How to Cite

Гаделисламов РР, Жебалов ДА, Исанбаева ДА, Исхаков АО, Шадрин ДВ. Improving the process of product separation in the context of globalization of the management component in oil and gas companies. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(1):250-8. Available from:

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