Opportunities for targeted development of the management structure of an oil and gas enterprise


  • Anvar A. Valiakhmetov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Evgeny S. Kulakov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Alexander S. Mitroshin Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Emil K. Shakirov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Aknazar A. Shayakhmetov Ufa state petroleum technological university




management capabilities, management structure, oil and gas enterprise


Ensuring the necessary changes in the level of intellectual capital and human resources of the oil and gas industry is such a large-scale goal that requires the leadership of the field to develop, adopt and implement individual strategic decisions to ensure the intelligence-oriented development of personnel of all its institutions, organizations and enterprises. New ideas and proposals, plans and programs, inventions and discoveries, technical means and technologies, scientific justification and development of new methods and practical recommendations in all spheres of business activity without exception are generated, created and actively used exclusively by people. In this regard, the intellectual capital of employees of the oil and gas industry, its expansion, development and use become the subject of analysis and evaluation. The results of the study of the development and use of personnel by indicators of economic activity on the examples of several domestic enterprises and organizations of the oil and gas complex indicate that 25% of the total number of personnel of the mining enterprises of the industry are employees with full higher education.


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How to Cite

Валиахметов АА, Кулаков ЕС, Митрошин АС, Шакиров ЭК, Шаяхметов АА. Opportunities for targeted development of the management structure of an oil and gas enterprise. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(1):241-9. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/765

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