The pedagogical potential of religion in the spiritual and moral education of children and youth region


  • Rauf I. Dzhantasov Mufti of the Astrakhan region



islamic pedagogy, Islam, pedagogical potential, spiritual and moral education, religion, religious organizations, features of spiritual and moral education of a person through religion


This article reflects one of the main problems of the spiritual and moral education of children and youth at the present stage of development of Russian society through traditional Russian religions, and also outlines possible ways to solve them by using the pedagogical potential of religion in this aspect of the process of educating a person. Here we will consider issues devoted to the formation of the spiritual and moral component of the personality, relying on the philosophical foundation of Islam, we will analyze the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, aimed at the value spiritual and moral guidelines of society, ensuring its cultural, social and spiritual security. In the process of writing and preparing the article, the methods of theoretical analysis, generalization and justification were applied. The article is a scientific review article and is of a theoretical nature. The significance of the article lies in the fact that the identified essential and substantial features of the spiritual and moral education of children and youth in religious Muslim organizations make it possible to enrich the theory and practice of pedagogy in the field of educating the younger generation due to the pedagogical potential of Islamic pedagogy presented by the author.


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How to Cite

Джантасов РИ. The pedagogical potential of religion in the spiritual and moral education of children and youth region. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(1):187-94. Available from: