Structural changes in the management environment to increase the commercial potential of an oil and gas company


  • Ilnur R. Sadykov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Dmitry A. Selyutin Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Regina A. Teregulova Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Bulat R. Tukaev Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Svetlana A. Shaldina Ufa state petroleum technological university



management environment, oil and gas company, commercial potential


The issues of structural changes in the management environment of an oil and gas company are becoming more relevant every year. According to the new operating model, the Technical Support division includes all types of oil and gas field maintenance activities, research and development work and activities in the field of capital projects, including engineering and technical work and procurement. The technical division includes all the service divisions of Gazprom PJSC, as well as all the groups responsible for planning capital projects and their implementation, as well as procurement, which is in the structure of Gazprom PJSC, the main departments of its subsidiaries, organizational units managed by other operational divisions. Thus, the role of the Technical Division is to be a kind of technical center of the Gazprom Group, helping its divisions to preserve and increase the value of Gazprom. Despite a significant amount of research in this area, from a practical point of view, the issues related to the formation of an effective management system for the development potential of oil and gas enterprises in the system of strategic determinants of the oil and gas complex remain insufficiently investigated; the problem of optimal interaction of elements of the potential of a drilling enterprise aimed both at realizing the existing production potential and at forming prerequisites for its effective development in in the process of transformation.


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How to Cite

Садыков ИР, Селютин ДА, Терегулова РА, Тукаев БР, Шалдина СА. Structural changes in the management environment to increase the commercial potential of an oil and gas company. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(1):144-50. Available from: