Pedagogy is a practical technology of media influence on the social environment of society


  • Olga V. Konnova Astrakhan State Medical University
  • Inga V. Romanova Astrakhan State Medical University



media language, mass communication language, media content, media text


The media have become an integral part of our lives. Most of us constantly spend our free time on social networks, viewing this or that information. It can be various kinds of entertainment videos, audio or text messages, or official information. The question of the influence of the media on different types of people and social institutions at different levels of society is often debatable. This can be partly explained by the growing proliferation of media content and media organizations that can have an impact on individuals and society as a whole. In particular, the media have a significant impact on personal opinions and beliefs, issues relating to the individual, as well as the collective expression of opinions in society. Often, the media serve as a means of alleviating, intensifying or slowing down a given situation due to its profound influence on public opinion. Society and other social institutions in many countries are very vulnerable to the influence of the media, and people are easily influenced by the media.


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How to Cite

Коннова ОВ, Романова ИВ. Pedagogy is a practical technology of media influence on the social environment of society. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(1):43-9. Available from: