Assessment and formation of students' ecological worldview through systematic learning


  • Guvanch Ch. Garyagdyyev Magtymguly Turkmen State University



natural sciences, ecological worldview, systematic approach, general ecology, survey


The article analyzes the basics of educational and methodological work of conducting ecology lessons in higher educational institutions. The basics of a systematic approach to the study of natural sciences and their role in improving student academic performance are described. The assessment of the formation of the ecological worldview of students is given. The results of the survey are compared to identify the level of environmental education and worldview in different groups of students from different specialties. As part of the practical work, a questionnaire was created to assess the ecological worldview, which includes questions of "General Ecology". A detailed description of the installation of the ecology lesson of the "object – object – goal" type is given. An example of a lesson on system learning is given. The positive aspects of studying other natural sciences are characterized, for a full understanding of the processes that occur in the environment.


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How to Cite

Гарягдыев ГЧ. Assessment and formation of students’ ecological worldview through systematic learning. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):222-8. Available from: