The possibilities of learning management system Moodle in the implementation of independent extracurricular work of students enrolled on the programs of higher professional education of the Russian Federation


  • Ekaterina A. Vetrenko MIREA — Russian Technological University
  • Elena S. Balankina MIREA — Russian Technological University
  • Aleksandr I. Gurnikovskiy Southern Federal University
  • Renate Yu. Gurnikovskaya Southern Federal University
  • Larisa V. Kamenskih MIREA — Russian Technological University
  • Tatiana V. Usacheva Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency



LMS Moodle, electronic learning technologies, mixed and hybrid learning models, higher professional education programs developed on the basis of a competency-based approach


In modern curricula for the main educational bachelor's degree programs implemented in the Russian Federation, a significant amount of time is allocated for independent work of students. The ratio of the amount of time in the curricula laid down for classroom classes, independent work of students and contact work in disciplines is the most diverse even within the framework of one area of training and depends on the vision of this issue by a particular educational institution. This vision of educational institutions is fixed, among other things, in the Provisions on the independent work of students, which are components of the quality management systems of education of specific educational institutions of higher professional education. In the context of the global digitalization of society, the use of distance learning systems, including such widely known as LMS Moodle, is becoming increasingly important in the implementation of students' independent work on the main educational programs of higher professional education developed on the basis of a competence-based approach. This article is devoted to the optimal use of the Moodle distance learning system in the implementation of independent work of students based on mixed and hybrid learning models without reference to a specific bachelor's degree program.


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How to Cite

Ветренко ЕА, Баланкина ЕС, Гурниковский АИ, Гурниковская РЮ, Каменских ЛВ, Усачева ТВ. The possibilities of learning management system Moodle in the implementation of independent extracurricular work of students enrolled on the programs of higher professional education of the Russian Federation. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):213-21. Available from:

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