The possibilities of using Prometheus and Moodle SDS in the implementation of e-learning and distance learning technologies within the information and educational environment at a higher educational institution


  • Ekaterina A. Vetrenko MIREA - Russian Technological University
  • Aleksandr I. Gurnikovskiy Southern Federal University
  • Renata Yu. Gurnikovskaya Southern Federal University
  • Larisa V. Kamenskih MIREA - Russian Technological University
  • Nikolay N. Yakovlev Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
  • Victoria S. Lyashenko MIREA - Russian Technological University



Prometheus SDO, Moodle SDO, LMS, distance technologies, e-learning, digitalization of education, digital didactics, information and educational environment of the university, individual educational trajectories


This article discusses the current aspects of the implementation of e-learning and distance learning technologies in higher education. E-learning is not limited to distance learning technologies and has a significant variety that allows you to effectively solve traditional learning tasks when implementing hybrid and blended learning models. Using the example of the sections of the discipline "Higher Mathematics" implemented as part of a pedagogical experiment to build an information and educational environment in a higher educational institution based on the Moodle and Prometheus distance learning systems, the methodological and information and communication features of the implementation of the learning process are revealed. The main objective of the conducted pedagogical experiment is to determine the practical possibilities of the communicative information and educational environment (involving the differentiation of learning, the construction of individual educational trajectories of students and the intensification of educational interaction through the use of modern digital, including information and communication and distance technologies), which allows to achieve a higher quality of education than in traditional education. The purpose of this article is not a global comparison of these two distance learning systems, but the identification of some features of the formation of the information and educational environment at the level of the course "Higher Mathematics" for students of humanities of higher education, identified during the experiment. Special attention is paid to the study of the possibilities of implementing interactive interaction between teachers and students using distance learning systems in the implementation of an academic discipline, that is, the communication component of the information and educational environment in the process of e-learning. This research is relevant within the framework of the project of digitalization of education in the Russian Federation and is a contribution to the development of "digital didactics". The pedagogical experiment carried out within the framework of the study implements the ideas of the strategy of digital transformation of higher education.


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How to Cite

Ветренко ЕА, Гурниковский АИ, Гурниковская РЮ, Каменских ЛВ, Яковлев НН, Ляшенко ВС. The possibilities of using Prometheus and Moodle SDS in the implementation of e-learning and distance learning technologies within the information and educational environment at a higher educational institution. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):193-20. Available from: