Application of organizational and pedagogical mechanisms in additional education of rural children


  • Tatyana V. Lushnikova Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of the Dmitrievskaya Secondary School of the Danilovsky District of the Yaroslavl Region; Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after Ushinsky K.D.



additional education, accessibility, rural children, mechanisms, system, educational process


The article presents the results of a study of the features of the organization of additional education in rural areas, considers the possibility of using organizational and pedagogical mechanisms to increase the availability of additional education for rural children. Purpose of the study: on the basis of the identified features related to the use of free time by rural children, their employment with additional education, motivation and social order for additional educational services and the peculiarities of the influence of individual factors on additional education, to design organizational and pedagogical mechanisms to support rural children in obtaining affordable additional education. Research methods: study and generalization of the mass experience of additional education for rural children, survey of schoolchildren, parents, teachers, focus groups, experimental work, expert evaluation. Taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of additional education in the countryside, the article proposes a group of mechanisms. References are given to the experience of implementing mechanisms for providing additional education. Rural schools, as a rule, are small, so the use of any of the proposed mechanisms can be targeted, taking into account the opinions and individual capabilities of students and their parents. The description of the mechanisms contains the main elements identified above: the target, conditions and options for using the mechanism, the algorithm for organizing activities, the planned results, the means used, the criteria and performance indicators, and the limitations of its application. Each mechanism has been tested in rural schools in the Yaroslavl region and has shown a high degree of effectiveness in increasing the availability of additional education in rural areas.


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How to Cite

Лушникова ТВ. Application of organizational and pedagogical mechanisms in additional education of rural children. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):185-91. Available from: