The Hebrew language and the English language in the education system of modern Israel


  • Yuri A. Volkov Russian University of Transport; Moscow International University
  • Marina N. Savelyeva Institute of Social Sciences; Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; Russian University of Transport
  • Natalya D. Pashkovskaya Moscow International University
  • Yulia V. Yashina Russian University of Transport



hebrew, English, Israel, Academy of the Hebrew language, Ministry of education


The article discusses the consequences of the widespread introduction of the English language in Israel. More recently, Hebrew has been revived as the national language of the entire Jewish people. One of the questions is whether the widespread introduction of English, especially in the field of education and science in Israel, will lead to a weakening of the status of Hebrew, or this language will retain its position. The author analyzed a number of aspects that influence the status of Hebrew in modern conditions. Based on the facts presented here, the author substantiates the possibility of Hebrew retaining its positions, despite the increasing influence of the English language. This is largely due to the unique position of the Hebrew language. It is the only living language that has been revived after several thousand years of neglect. As a result, many Hebrew ideologues still fear that the excessive introduction of the English language will nullify all efforts to revive Hebrew. Long before the creation of the State of Israel, Jewish ideologists came to the conclusion that without their own language there can be no question of Jewish national identity. They were tasked with transforming Hebrew from a written language used primarily in prayer books into a living language to be used by everyone and in all walks of life - at home, in education and public places.


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How to Cite

Волков ЮА, Савельева МН, Пашковская НД, Яшина ЮВ. The Hebrew language and the English language in the education system of modern Israel. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(11):162-8. Available from: