Teaching students of non-linguistic specialties a foreign language in a mixed learning environment


  • Louise B. Abdulvakhabova Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Timerlan I. Usmanov Chechen State Pedagogical University




blended learning, distance learning, classroom learning, educational and training platform, model, motivation


The article is devoted to the use of blended learning in learning a foreign language. The paper analyzes the results of  educational cooperation between students and a teacher. The authors characterized the existing models of blended learning and considered the main factors contributing to the further development of online learning, and the difficulties that may arise during the learning process. The study showed that oral speech skills increase significantly with blended learning. It is proved that blended learning adds novelty and increases motivation for active participation of students in distance and face-to-face learning conditions, and is also the result of the introduction of a strategic and systematic approach to the use of the latest technologies in combination with the best traditions of personal interaction between teachers and students. The study considers exercises to activate students' cognitive activity: to improve listening, writing, grammar and vocabulary use skills. It has been established that blended learning develops the ability to organize and plan work independently, receive and analyze the knowledge gained, search for and select information, make decisions and improve oneself. Effective distance learning technologies combined with classroom practical classes can be considered as the key to successful blended learning of a foreign language among students of non-linguistic specialties.


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How to Cite

Абдулвахабова ЛБ, Усманов ТИ. Teaching students of non-linguistic specialties a foreign language in a mixed learning environment. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.1];12(11):30-7. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/663