Preparation of students of a pedagogical university for the organization of extracurricular activities


  • Olga V. Linkevich Tomsk State Pedagogical University



extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities, training of future teachers, teacher education, modernization of education, professional standard


Based on the comparative analysis, the invariant elements of the model of training future teachers for the organization of extracurricular activities are determined: the goal setting of the courses "Pedagogy" and "Psychology" for the design and formation of skills for the development of personal and metasubject universal educational actions of students; the inclusion in the content of the courses of pedagogy and psychology of individual topics (modules) aimed at the formation of the cognitive component of students; organization of industrial practice on the basis of children's health camps, focused on the formation of organizational skills (leadership) activities; design and implementation of industrial practice on the basis of general education institutions, focused on the formation of skills for organizing extracurricular activities. A periodization of the stages of training future teachers for the organization of extracurricular activities of students in Russia is proposed: pre-revolutionary (1900-1917) – the stage of creation of independent institutions of extra-curricular (additional) education for adults and children; soviet (1917-1991) – the stage of formation of the state model of extracurricular, extracurricular work with children; modern (from 1992 to the present) – the stage of formation of the competence model of training future teachers to organize extracurricular activities. The basis for this classification is the content and orientation of the training of future teachers.

Author Biography

Olga V. Linkevich, Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education


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How to Cite

Лингевич О. Preparation of students of a pedagogical university for the organization of extracurricular activities. УО [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):19-28. Available from: