Pedagogical technology of developing a compliment comparison in Russian and Chinese linguocultures


  • Gongfu Li Pushkin Institute of the Russian Language



сhinese language, compliment, linguoculture, technology, development


The phenomenon of interest in politeness, both social and linguistic, has been growing over the past three decades, as evidenced by the numbers of articles appearing on this topic in international journals and monographs. Politeness is considered from the point of view of etiquette. Speech communication is considered one of the most important types of human activity. We speak only in certain speech genres, that is, all our utterances have certain and relatively standard forms of constructing the whole (we say it should not be perceived as a characteristic of oral speech only: we are talking about a rich repertoire of oral (and written) speech genres. A native speaker from childhood absorbs a variety of stereotypical forms of utterances, "gets used" to them, builds his speech, automatically "stocking up" to the requirements of a certain speech genre. And even under such conditions, psychologists and linguo-teachers sometimes state the speaker's insufficient command of the palette of speech genres, which leads to communicative failures. Therefore, scientists pay attention to the importance of this aspect in teaching Russian and Chinese.


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How to Cite

Ли Г. Pedagogical technology of developing a compliment comparison in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(9):215-23. Available from: