The quality of education in the context of modern transformations of higher education


  • Ilgam R. Nagimov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Nikita K. Skewers Ufa State Petroleum Technological University



higher education, quality assurance, research, educational process


The strategic objective of education is to bring it to international standards. To implement a certain strategy, the priority task is to ensure high-quality education at all its stages and levels, to assess its effectiveness and quality management. The level and importance of the quality of higher education, taking into account the needs of both the economy and individual citizens and society as a whole, as well as the development of institutional mechanisms that ensure the quality of higher education, is a priority in the system of national educational policy. In connection with the process of globalization and the changes that are taking place in the field of higher education, the issue of ensuring the quality of higher education is of particular relevance and requires consideration in the context of definitions of modernity as a fluid integral complexity in a situation of global transformations. The quality of education is considered in two aspects: external (the quality of the result of the educational process) and internal (characteristics of the quality assurance system). The quality of the result of the educational process reflects the compliance of the level of training of graduates with the requirements of standards. The quality assurance system consists of the content of education, the level of training of students, teaching staff, educational, methodological and logistical support, the use of educational technologies.


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How to Cite

Нагимов ИР, Шампоров НК. The quality of education in the context of modern transformations of higher education. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(9):125-31. Available from: