The economic significance of the formation of an equilibrium management complex in the oil and gas industry


  • D.R. Yapparov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • N.P. Borisov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University



oil and gas industry, complex, management solutions, economy


The rapid pace of scientific and technological progress in post-industrial society, the intensive expansion of production capacities are accompanied by an increase in the negative impact on the environment, which indicates the expediency of improving the management process of business entities. The need to rethink the paradigm of economic development itself is becoming more and more obvious: a gradual transition from the ideology of accumulation of material wealth to the ideology of "reasonable sufficiency". It should be noted that the anthropogenic and technogenic load on the environment in Russia significantly exceeds the corresponding level inherent in the EU countries. This problem is especially relevant for the fuel and energy complex of the state, because emissions of pollutants as a result of production and economic activities of energy industry enterprises account for about 40% of the total emissions of all sectors of the domestic economy. In particular, only in the oil and gas complex, the total amount of emissions of pollutants from stationary sources reaches about 4.7 million tons. It should be noted that oil and gas production refers to activities that pose an increased environmental hazard (mechanical damage to the Earth's surface; pollution of air, soil, surface and groundwater with chemical reagents, highly mineralized reservoir waters, drilling waste; noise pollution of the atmosphere and the like). Technogenic pollutants manifest themselves in different ways in the main stages of exploration of oil and gas fields, construction and operation of oil and gas fields, oil and gas processing and in emergency situations. The degree of their impact on the environment in most cases depends on the natural conditions, the properties of ecosystems and is determined by the stability of the latter to the placed man-made objects, taking into account the environmental risk of the development of the territory.


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How to Cite

Яппаров Д, Борисов Н. The economic significance of the formation of an equilibrium management complex in the oil and gas industry. УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(8):171-7. Available from: