Cognitive linguistics in foreign language learning


  • S.V. Litvinov Russian University of Sports "GTSOLIFK"



cognitive linguistics, foreign language, digital technologies, cognitive neurotechnologies, nature-like learning model


The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of applying cognitive linguistics technologies in teaching a foreign language in higher education. The author justifies the relevance and significance of the research topic through the ideas of a nature-like learning paradigm. It is concluded that modern foreign-language learning, since it includes a certain range of factors and necessary conditions for the formation of foreignlanguage communicative competence among students, therefore, the balance between the communicative and cognitive sides of the educational process becomes one of the key "loci" on the path of learning (mastering, using) a foreign language. Achieving such a balance, according to the author, can be achieved in the context of the use of cognitive neurotechnologies (artificial intelligence, virtual, augmented reality, machine learning, Big Data, Big Live Data, etc.). The thesis is substantiated that the use of these technologies for the purposes of foreign-language education makes it possible to form and create the potential for the development, firstly, of the ability of students to independently acquire new knowledge and acquire new skills and skills, both through memorization and through independent research or "discovery"; secondly, the ability to apply this knowledge and skills in practical activities to solve any life issues and  problems (meta-skills); thirdly, the ability to use all acquired foreign-language competencies for further self-education and testing in professional activities. The main advantage of cognitive neurotechnologies, at the same time, remains the possibility of preserving the principle of consistency of consideration and knowledge of a foreign language and preserving its connection with the cognitive abilities of students in various forms of pedagogical interaction. 


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How to Cite

Литвинов С. Cognitive linguistics in foreign language learning. УО [Internet]. 2022Aug.20 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(8):10-6. Available from: