Socio-cultural and functional literacy in the light of consideration of the causes of degradation of speech competencies of modern youth


  • Alexander A. Arskiy Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



future police officers, non-linguistic university, English, universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, development


The nature and peculiarities of any view of the problem of the language situation in Russian universities, in the education system as a whole, as well as in the field of language competence of students and students directly depend on the understanding of the goals and objectives that are set and achieved within this system. No less important is the view of education as a separate, specific area of human activity and as a social phenomenon, which makes it possible to fully understand its functions, tasks and goals. The compliance of the language situation and language competence with the strategic goals of national and state development is ensured by the state language policy. Achieving full compliance in Russia remains, if we believe most of the assessments we know, a matter of the future, but practical work on the conceptual understanding of this future and its approximation should begin today.


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How to Cite

Арский АА. Socio-cultural and functional literacy in the light of consideration of the causes of degradation of speech competencies of modern youth. УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(7):164-71. Available from:

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