Effective tools of distance learning: the evolution of the learning process and the interaction of technical tools


  • Evgeny S. Akeliev Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics TUSUR




distance learning, interactivity, nteractive dialogue, electronic educational resources, special competencies


The massive surge of coronavirus infection’s incidence, the deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation, and the subsequent quarantine measures of a mandatory nature, forced higher education institutions to take a number of operational measures to switch to distance learning. However, later it became clear that this form of training requires the use of fundamentally new tools and mechanisms of the educational process, which, in the further process of their application, can significantly change the form, process and final results of training.


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How to Cite

Акельев ЕС. Effective tools of distance learning: the evolution of the learning process and the interaction of technical tools. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(6):207-24. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/472