Internal factors of information security of a military university


  • Yana I. Bodina Volgograd State University
  • Dmitriy A. Myasoedov Engineering University named after V. I. Lenin
  • Anton A. Vasil'ev Moscow Polytechnic University
  • Mikhail V. Kudrin ITMO National Research University
  • Leon A. Lisikian Kuban State Medical University



military university, university, information protection, security


The active development of the global economic environment and national systems takes place in conditions of intensive introduction of innovative technologies. The integration of high-tech electronic devices into various processes at the level of countries, types of economic activity, individual enterprises and in the private life of the population leads to the generation of significant amounts of information. A separate place as a source of data generation is occupied by the Internet, which serves as a tool for creating, accumulating and transmitting information. Under these conditions, information acts as a resource that can be evaluated in monetary form based on the specifics of the data and demand among individual user groups. Individual states are trying to get hold of the secret information of other countries, companies use industrial espionage to obtain the secret information of competitors, in many cases cases of theft of personal information of citizens for the purpose of obtaining certain benefits and the like are recorded. The above situation leads to the development of national protection strategies in the field of information security and the active development of specialized products that allow using hardware and software to minimize the loss of information resources of countries, companies, citizens, and the like. The market of the presented products is actively developing and has significant potential for growth, as there is a continuous evolution of methods that are aimed at the illegal acquisition of commercial and private information.


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How to Cite

Бодина ЯИ, Мясоедов ДА, Васильев АА, Кудрин МВ, Лисикян ЛА. Internal factors of information security of a military university. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(5):213-20. Available from: