Methodological foundations for the construction of secure, dependable information systems for distance learning of higher educational institutions


  • Andrei A. Serov ITMO National Research University
  • Vasilisa A. Avdonina ITMO National Research University
  • Aleksandra A. Sviridova ITMO National Research University
  • Anna I. Miroshnichenko ITMO National Research University
  • Ilia G. Karibov Kuban State Medical University



university, information security, cybersecurity, protection


The issues of automation of business processes at the university, in particular, information technology support for distance higher education for the past 30 years have been the subject of many studies and heated discussions of scientific and pedagogical workers, as well as the object of special attention from society. At the same time, developments in recent years related to the spread of quarantine measures in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic indicate that during the first three months of quarantine, there was a limited readiness of educational institutions, in particular secondary education, to effectively conduct a full-fledged educational process. Successes in this direction at the university are insufficiently covered in scientific publications, but the author's own experience of teaching a number of academic disciplines at the university indicates that the achievements of victorious officials are somewhat exaggerated. It should be noted that the vast majority of problematic situations known to the author in educational institutions associated with the use of a large number of different software platforms focused on e-learning are primarily due to their incomplete compliance with the educational process, which is defined by laws, as well as insufficient attention on the part of developers regarding the requirements for information protection and cybersecurity.


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How to Cite

Серов АА, Авдонина ВА, Свиридова АА, Мирошниченко АИ, Карибов ИГ. Methodological foundations for the construction of secure, dependable information systems for distance learning of higher educational institutions. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(5):203-12. Available from: