Actual problems of methods of research and teaching journalism in the context of the media market and visualizations of communication


  • Larisa G. Lisitskaya Armavir State Pedagogical University
  • Irina V. Tkachenko Armavir State Pedagogical University



journalistic education, media text, media discourse, communication, axiological position, content, information space


The authors of the article consider journalistic education in the context of the media business and the media market, as well as in connection with the crisis of verbality and visualization of communication in the media discourse. According to the authors, mass media are currently being transformed under the sign of the increasing role of new information systems based on computer technologies. In this regard, there is an activeaggressive visualization of communication. This process develops journalism, displaces it from the media sphere, and requires special research and teaching methods. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the goals and objectives outlined in the modern information space in the teaching of journalism are primarily aimed at the formation and creation of the text, its content side and the pronounced axiological position of the author of the media text.


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How to Cite

Лисицкая ЛГ, Ткаченко ИВ. Actual problems of methods of research and teaching journalism in the context of the media market and visualizations of communication. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jun.29];12(5):182-6. Available from: