The use of remote technologies in teaching criminal law disciplines at the university


  • Anna A. Zorkina Surgut State University of KhMAO-Yugra



lawyer, distance education, criminal law disciplines, university


Higher education is the basis of intellectual, cultural, spiritual, social and economic development of any society and state. That is why it must meet the requirements that modern society sets for it. Distance learning in today's conditions is becoming an integral element of our life, in particular, distance education is now one of the priority areas of reform and strategic development of the educational system of Russia. We can confidently say that this is a requirement of today, since in March 2020, UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay said that more than 1.5 billion young people in 165 countries of the world cannot attend classes due to the closure of educational institutions due to the COVID–19 coronavirus pandemic. Accordingly, the issue of distance learning in the context of the coronavirus pandemic remains as relevant as ever. Under such circumstances, the urgent issue of the development of distance learning in Russia is gaining more and more attention. Distance learning is also actively used in the process of training lawyers. Today, the main question is whether to introduce distance learning exclusively or use a combined option that would include both elements of full-time and elements of distance learning. The special literature gives the following definition: distance learning is a set of technologies that ensure the delivery of the main volume of the studied material to students; interactive interaction of students and teachers in the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to work independently on the development of the studied material, as well as in the learning process.


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How to Cite

Зорькина АА. The use of remote technologies in teaching criminal law disciplines at the university. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(4):239-47. Available from: