Development program in the system of strategic management of the institution of additional education


  • Irina N. Churilina State Budgetary Institution of Additional Education "Children and Youth Creative Center "Vasilievsky Ostrov"
  • Nina M. Chuklina "Children and Youth Creative Center "Vasilievsky Ostrov"
  • Olga R. Isakova "Children and Youth Creative Center "Vasilievsky Ostrov"
  • Olga G. Polyakova Additional Education "Children and Youth Creative Center "Vasilevsky Ostrov"



development management, additional education, educational organization management strategy, project approach in the management of additional education


The article considers the program of development of the institution of additional education, developed on the basis of the analysis of activities as an effective tool of strategic management of an educational organization. The development management model is based on a project approach that allows monitoring activities and adjusting the educational process in accordance with changes in the external and internal environment. The educational institution development program is a mandatory document of strategic management. Currently, there is no single approach to the form and model of this document; each region has developed its own recommendations for its development and compilation. The education system of St. Petersburg at the level of the education management body of each administrative district also has its own peculiarities related to the specifics and specialization of the district education system.


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How to Cite

Чурилина ИН, Чуклина НМ, Исакова ОР, Полякова ОГ. Development program in the system of strategic management of the institution of additional education. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(4):230-8. Available from: