The problem of the formation of economic and mathematical competence as a component of managerial culture in future education managers studying under the master's degree program


  • Elena A. Tupichkina Armavir State Pedagogical University



Managerial culture, education manager, preschool education, additional education, pedagogical education, master's degree, economic and mathematical competence, managerial task


The article actualizes the problem of the formation of economic and mathematical competence in the context of the development of managerial culture among future education managers studying under the Master's degree program. The authors prove that a modern head of an educational organization should possess economic and mathematical competence, which allows solving many practical management tasks in the field of education management. At the same time, the article states that this competence has not been properly formed in future education managers, and this statement is confirmed by the results of the survey. The authors pay special attention to the characteristics of managerial culture, the definition of the essence of economic and mathematical competence. Based on the analysis of professional standards, Federal State Standards of Higher Education (master's degree level), training education managers, it is concluded that insufficient attention is paid to the formation of students' economic and mathematical competence and the need to overcome the professional deficit in the field of economic and mathematical competence. At the end of the article, the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the successful solution of this problem are listed.


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How to Cite

Тупичкина ЕА. The problem of the formation of economic and mathematical competence as a component of managerial culture in future education managers studying under the master’s degree program. УО [Internet]. 2022May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(3):248-55. Available from: