Peculiarities of tutor position of teacher accompanied by gifted children


  • Julia A. Belous Armavir State Pedagogical University



readiness, tutor, escort, gifted children, training, education, teacher, competencies


The article discusses the informative aspects of the manifestation of a tutor's position accompanied by gifted children. The support of gifted children is one of the most important tasks of the development of modern domestic education, the solution of which is determined at the state level. Creating conditions for the education of gifted children is a natural response to the social order, due to the peculiarities of the modern stage of the development of our society. However, the possibilities of teaching and raising a gifted child are largely determined by the adults accompanying them and, above all, teachers. If there is a need to create conditions for the educational activity of students, as well as the formation of their ability to self-determination and determine educational prospects, the teacher can turn to the technology of tutor support. In this regard, the training of teachers to solve this problem is relevant and socially significant in the higher education system. Due to the fact that the professional activity of the teacher as a whole is multifunctional, tutor support can also be carried out in different areas of the teacher's work. Unlike traditional pedagogical activities, the activity of the tutor is much more associated with the purposeful development of cognitive independence of students. In fact, the technology of tutor support is aimed at creating and implementing a personal educational strategy that takes into account the potential of the student, the peculiarities of the socio-educational environment and the tasks of a specific type of activity.


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How to Cite

Белоус ЮА. Peculiarities of tutor position of teacher accompanied by gifted children. УО [Internet]. 2022May15 [cited 2024Jul.1];12(3):181-8. Available from: