The image of the Hero-entrepreneur in Russian Classical Literature as a Pledge of Socially responsible Principles of Modern Russian Entrepreneurship


  • Natalia A.Chistyakova Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy",



russian Russian classical literature; social responsibility of entrepreneurship; ethical norms of entrepreneurship; code of honor of an entrepreneur; stereotype; russian culture; orthodoxy; religion; symbol


In the last decade, the attitude of the Russian public towards entrepreneurship has changed dramatically from negative to neutral and even positive. To confirm the assumption about the change in the emotional status of the concept of "entrepreneurship", the author conducted a social survey. Since the assumption about the change in the status of the concept of "entrepreneurship" was confirmed, the author tried to explain the reason for the change in the stereotype through historical and cultural analysis. The emphasis was placed on the role of the works of Russian classical literature in the formation of public consciousness. In addition, the author concretized the ideal of the Russian entrepreneur reflected in the classical literature. Specifically, the article analyzes the image of the entrepreneur in the Russian classical literature of the XIX century: the literary types of financial workers are analyzed, positive examples are found, and socially responsible principles of the approach to business are identified. To ensure greater objectivity, both epic and dramatic works are used for analysis. The author finds out how the Russian classical literature reflects the problems of the entrepreneur's personality that are currently relevant. The article presents a comparative analysis of the" codes of honor " of the entrepreneur-sources of the XIX and XXI centuries-which reveal the theme of the honor of the Russian financier, his moral image. The study confirms the continuity of traditions in the field of entrepreneurship formed by the majority of the country's population who lived under the laws of the Russian Empire, in addition, substantiates the meaningful connection of artistic and documentary sources and proves the need to create an image of a modern merchant based on the principles reflected in the Russian classics.

Author Biography

Natalia A.Chistyakova, Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy",

senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Literature,


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How to Cite

Чистякова Н. The image of the Hero-entrepreneur in Russian Classical Literature as a Pledge of Socially responsible Principles of Modern Russian Entrepreneurship. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.2 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(1):349-55. Available from: